All-Occasion Handbags

This is the first time in a long time that I can remember having so much choice when it comes to handbags. After playing victim to countless it-bags during my time spent working for magazines (where I’d buy Miu Miu and Prada but couldn’t afford lunch), it’s so nice to see more mid-tier brands enter the market and offer a wide range of beautifully crafted bags minus the logo mania.

Staud, Wandler, Mansur Gavriel, Neous, Loeffler Randall, Dragon Diffusion, to name just a few, are all producing gorgeous handbags that cater to a wide range of styles and at all different price points. The nice thing about these guys is that it’s all about function and form — these bags look great and offer an air of mystery because you can’t really tell what brand they are at first glance. Such a nice change from the glaringly obvious (and dare I say a little too same-same) designer bags of late.

Of course, I’m also all for a nice designer piece and couldn’t put this edit together without some star (and yes, very expensive) buys. In my defence, I actually keep all of my good handbags and hope to pass them onto my daughter when she shows interest — she’s almost outgrown my foot size so this is the best I can do! Feel free to use this same excuse when your partner questions your sanity — (“it’ll be an heirloom!”).

Browse, click, dream, enjoy.


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