Your 2024 Style Refresh Guide

Hello, and happy 2024! What a funny few weeks it’s been. Christmas wasn’t that Christmasy for me this year, and I’ve certainly leant into the “what day is it?” narrative of late. Today has been the first day I’ve considered posting as I did feel a little post sale-fatigue and wanted to give everyone time to shop (or not) at their own discretion after the chaos of gift-giving.

Boxing Day sales have been a little hit and miss for me, although, if you want or need homewares, now is the time. All the major retailers always discount this area the most and it’s a great time to update your crockery/wine glasses/appliances etc! On the fashion front I have been a tad underwhelmed, possibly because we did get a very good week of discounts with the recent Black Friday sales. If you are still looking for a good buy I would recommend hitting up Matches — they do an excellent vacation edit which is always very applicable to an Australian summer, and also Aussie brands such as Bassike, Zimmermann, and Sir who all cater for this time of year really well.

Now, let’s talk style intentions for 2024. If I could encourage your shopping habits in any way this new year, I’d say we should all try to be a little braver. I’m not talking about upping the hemlines here, what I mean is let’s try and focus on being braver with our style choices and not let fear or mindset get in the way. I’m constantly hearing women just like me say they “don’t like” online shopping, “can’t wear” a certain colour, “don’t do prints”, “only wear sleeves”, etc, etc. While I believe once you hit a certain age you know yourself well enough to wear what you’re comfortable in, this may sometimes mean you’re missing out on a really great item of clothing or accessory because of an outdated mindset. This year, I want you to have the freedom and courage to try new things and slowly peel yourself away from any sartorial rut that you may think you’re stuck in. Remember, clothing isn’t permanent, it’s all changeable — just because you haven’t worn a certain colour in years doesn’t mean you can’t ever again!

I’m in my early 40s and I really do feel braver, style-wise, every year. At this stage of life I know that neutrals suit me better than black, that I love bold prints but usually only the more designer-kind, that long skirts feel wonderful to wear even though I’m pretty short, and that a Zara purchase can make me just as happy as a Net-A-Porter one. Honestly, having a “fuck it, I’ll try it” mindset is so freeing when it comes to fashion.

Wear what you want to wear, what you love and what you feel comfortable in — that’s always been my intention with this website, which is why I always avoid saying what not to wear. Hot or Not lists have never been my jam, but helping women feel good about their style choices certainly is. I’m rooting for your wardrobes in 2024!

Thanks for joining me for another year, and please don’t hesitate to drop me a line if you would like to see anything specific on the site. I’m at

Here are a few things that have caught my eye lately, just because…



The Summer Pieces I Want To Buy Right Now


Early Boxing Day Sale Buys