Sporty-Cool Clothes To Celebrate The Olympics

In honour of Olympics-fever sweeping my household right now, I thought it was worthwhile to shine a light on good sportswear that ticks my criteria for a successful workout and beyond. As much as these pieces need to look good, I do need the function to be of importance too, as I hate doing my regular exercise (usually walks, sometimes a jog, scarcely a gym session), and having to worry about leggings that sag or tops that creep up, particularly in the cooler months.

As I type this in head-to-toe Lululemon hours after my morning walk, I know that the resurgence of retro silhouettes and colours is a welcome change for anyone guilty of spending the day in leggings (🙋🏽‍♀️), despite the best of intentions to change…

Hey, it’s a Three Stripes world and we’re just living in it. Go Australia!


Pumps That Look Good (And Keep Your Toes Warm!)


Some Nice Things To Wear On The Weekend