Kid Clothes That Don’t Suck

When it comes to kids’ clothing, I certainly have a type, and that happens to be the complete opposite of what my children want to wear. I like a lot of colour, good stripes, functional and weather-appropriate basics and a certain innocence when it comes to design and style. I can’t buy into the beige/linen trend of the Byron crew, can’t stand tutu skirts or sequin bomber jackets and I’ve always shunned the ever-present blue and grey trains, dinosaurs and bad stripes available for boys. Now that my kids are older and have a say in what they wear, I’m learning to meet them in the middle when it comes to style, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy (or dinosaur free)…

I have a girl who doesn’t want to wear skirts, ruffles or anything remotely “babyish” (read: pretty), and I have a boy who is very particular about fit and fabric. These factors don’t always make for an agreeable morning, let me tell you, but as with all things kids-related I’ve learnt to pick my battles. Also, I don’t actually care a lot. I’m not the silly toddler parent I once was who favours international brand names that come with a hefty delivery fee — what is the point when so many chain stores do kidswear so well? I’m happy with a simple tracksuit or leggings and a sweater in winter, and brands such as Arket, H&M, Boden and Seed all do them so well.

If you’re in that in-between stage like me, where you still buy your kids their clothes but can’t quite get away with buying whatever you prefer over what they actually want to wear, then I hope these basics provide a happy medium for you all.


Printed & Plain Quilted Jackets


Skirts To Wear When It’s Cold