Fashion Over 40 — Some Thoughts

There’s an assumption that once you hit your 40s, you have life finally figured out. Gwyneth Paltrow calls it an “upgrade” — where suddenly you don’t care about meaningless things you used to, but I can say from experience the concept doesn’t include all aspects of life, namely, personal style…

While I can vouch for not caring as much about what others are thinking, I can admit I still do very much care about what I look like, probably more so than ever before. I’ve felt perpetually 28 years old since I can remember, and I’ve continued to dress that age too in some shape or form, but there’s a shift happening now that I’ve turned 42 and it’s putting my years of being a fashion editor to the test. It seems I’m finally hitting that moment where I can’t simply buy the ol’ faithfuls I’ve relied on for most of my adult life. Buying jeans isn’t simply an online click anymore, but a marathon sport that requires more patience and research (and squatting) than I have ever experienced. Shopping for a simple tee or knit requires multiple try-ons and fabric checks, and even my beloved shoe shopping has turned into a mission that requires precise heel measurements and comfort-tests…

I’m not solely talking about a change in body shape here — although yes, that does happen despite doing absolutely nothing different in terms of exercise and diet — more of a complete identity shift. In a way, it’s like the penny has finally dropped that life as you once knew it is long gone and the reality of true adulthood kicks you in the face. It’s a realisation that you aren’t getting any younger and that you’re hitting the age bracket you may vividly remember your parents were once in during your formative years. You’re likely out of the foggy newborn days and diving head-first into school-mum mode, where early morning sports and after-school activities occupy most of your calendar. In your 40s, life gets busy, but you suddenly have more time to focus on yourself without the needs of tiny humans dictating your every move. It’s a strange but life-affirming time — where you get your sense of self back but also feel really confused about who that person is.

As someone who has worked in fashion for a very long time, I have always prided myself on adopting trends early and having my finger firmly on the pulse of new styles and new designers, but even that has changed very recently. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still very aware of what’s going on in the fashion world, but I now have this underlying self-assurance that makes me instantly feel what’s going to work for my shape and lifestyle and what isn’t. I’m not wasting time pining after something that a 20-year-old influencer is wearing, and I’m not chasing a new purchase for the thrill of it. It’s a liberating way to feel after what feels like a lifetime spent wearing clothes that have been dictated by a runway I no longer feel connected to.

So, what does this all mean now? Here’s what I know about dressing in your 40s:

  • You don’t have to follow every trend. Some may seem fun and worth trying, others may seem like a foreign language in fabric form, either way, in your 40s you know which trends are worthy of your attention as soon as they hit the stores. Case in point this season — cargo pants. I can appreciate them on a Gen Z, but for me, they add bulk and accentuate my lack of height. Avoiding certain trends doesn’t make you any less fashion-relevant, it just means you’re fashion-smart. 

  • Quality matters. Getting into a habit of reading labels and being fabric and washing-aware will make all the difference to your wardrobe in years to come. I don’t mean solely buying high-end pieces with this — it’s a matter of simply buying the best you can afford at the time and shopping to wear pieces for more than one season. Not chasing so much “newness” every season is such a game-changer and a totally badass 40-something move.

  • You’re allowed to have a mix of sizing in your wardrobe. It’s only been very recently that I’ve discovered the utter joy that is sizing up on most items of clothing. I was always such a slave to the number I thought should be on clothing, but lately, I’ve bought a range of three different sizes on everything from jeans to shirts and jackets and have loved the comfort and freedom that comes with it. Comfort first, style second — why has it taken me so long to accept this? A true revelation.

  • Less fuss, more fit. I don’t think I’m the only one that is leaning towards a more minimal style of dressing now that I’m in my early 40s. I simply feel better, and look better, with more streamlined and classic pieces that work for a number of different occasions. I want to be clear here and explain this certainly does not mean women over a certain age should just blend into the background with monochrome looks — absolutely not! For me, I’d rather look more polished than casual and that often means less fluff and more emphasis on fit and fabric. There is a quiet confidence I now exude when wearing something as simple as jeans, a white tee and a knitted cardigan and it makes me feel more confident in the clothes I’m wearing than ever before. 

  • My last point, and one I hope I make super clear, is that as much as these tips may seem like a set of style rules, at 40, there are no rules. A friend of mine recently said they spoke with a stylist who suggested women over 40 should no longer wear prints… and to that, I say a big hell no. With age comes confidence and self-assurance, and the best bit about dressing for the woman you are becoming rather than the woman you once were is wearing what you love minus any reservations. Basically, if it looks good and feels good, it’s goooooooood! 


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