Christmas Gift Guide — Your Man, A Man, All The Men

It’s hard to select gifts for a man that don’t fall into a stereotypical catalogue look. As much as I don’t mind a heritage brand or two, I prefer my husband to not look so formulaic and, well, boring, when out and about…

Black, navy and grey are classic, yep, I get it, but try introducing a little green, mustard, pink and mauve to his wardrobe, and I promise you’ll notice a much more modern menswear look that is elevated but still timeless.

In terms of skincare and beauty, there is no harm in pushing new products his way, even if it is just an updated SPF or deodorant. My rule with gift-giving applies to men, too — buy beautiful things they wouldn’t necessarily buy themselves. I really rate Hunter and Bro-To for fuss-free yet hardworking products.

Ok, I think this edit speaks for itself, so enjoy clicking through, and I hope the task of buying for any man in your life is made a little simpler and more enjoyable with this in your arsenal. Go, Santa, go!


Christmas Gift Guide — Tweens & Teens


Christmas Gift Guide — The Stylish, Useful, Random Things I Love